CBC Books for Boys

Boy readingWhat an honour to have three books on another CBC Book List!  This one, from Fresh Air, is a list of books that boys, particularly reluctant-reader boys, will like.  I, Bruno and Bruno for Real are recommended for the 6-8 year-old category and Middle of Nowhere for 12-and-ups!  Thank-you, thank-you Ontario booksellers and the CBC.  Read the list here.

TD Canadian Children’s Book Week 2012

What a fabulous time I had during Book Week!  I’d like to thank all the teachers and librarians who helped make my tour a success, the Canadian Children’s Book Centre for running such a fantastic program for the last thirty years, and TD Canada Trust and the Canada Council for supporting it financially.  Especially, I want to thanks the children of Ottawa, Osgoode, Carp, Toronto, Collingwood, Meaford and Thornbury.  You were just about the nicest bunch I could ever hope to meet!


School presentation with EarlHere I am with the kids of Connaught Public School in Collingwood, Ontario, gathered around Earl, Jasper John Dooley’s wooden brother.  The kids assembled Earl during the presentation.




And here are the Connaught kids performing their Symphony of Body Sounds with me conducting.Symphony of Body Sounds



Here I am signing books next to Jasper John Dooley’s Family Stick.book signing